
When we know where we are heading and how to get there, it is just a walk in the park.

But the reality is often very different, as we might have a strategy that was last updated a few years ago when the conditions and market were different, so should we go right or left?

The big picture

I always operate with the big picture, based on a deep understanding of the entire process/flow of the service. I do not need to know every detail, but I need a medium-to-high level.

Take it to the sky, and back again

When I create a system design I think much further than just the first version or the MVP we are set out to build. I think about how it can scale, grow and evolve. In the thinking process, I take it to the sky, and when it can scale to such a size, then I take it back to earth. With this big picture defined, I can make the best decisions for the design and prioritize what needs to be implemented now and what to save for later.

A dot on the horizon

Most developers, QA, project managers, etc., lose focus on the actual task if presented with the full big picture at once, so providing a teaser of it, an indication of where it will be in a year or two, that is the dot on the horizon they need. It gives the perspective of working on something bigger and keeps focus on the task at hand.

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